Cyber Security

Protecting Critical IT Infrastructure

From national security and critical operations infrastructure to personally identifying information, maintaining integrity, security, and continuity are always the fundamental objectives.

In this day and age, no bit nor byte of data is truly 100% secure. Perhaps some might even say 99% secure, but even that would be a surreal statement. Data is vulnerable to many different types of risks. The most common is malware, but the most difficult to resolve is a brute force breach due to just how many possible points of entry exist.

By operating one of the most powerful privately operated distributed computing networks, we are able to use many of the same techniques used by attackers. This allows us to simulate attacks in a secure and controlled scenario, and use the resulting data from there tests to better secure your technical infrastructure.

We follow a very simple procedure:

1) Patch (Ensure known attack techniques are secured)

2) Controlled Test (Various attack scenarios, some known, others proprietary)

3) Patch Again (Secure anything detected during the test)

4) Repeat (Steps 2 and 3 until we cannot breach your network nor systems via step 2)


*Network used for testing is kept disconnected from the global internet when not in use for security purposes.

**When network testing is in progress, a detailed chain of command established by the client is used. A chain of custody is also established to ensure that any data obtained remains secure and returns where it belongs.

***One or more personnel from the client is required to be present in our facility during testing, and all hard drives within the penetration testing network are given to those personnel immediately after testing is completed to maintain security and a chain of custody for any data obtained during testing.